How 3 years of sobriety have changed my life

Thinking back to before I was sober, I usually had to drink to be around people. I recharge when I’m by myself, and I deplete when I’m with others—especially big groups. It’s seen as normal to drink, and quitting that drug can feel like breaking a social pact.

Some see results much faster, and they are among the lucky few. It depends on many factors, including the amount of damage you’ve done, years of heavy drinking, age, and genetics. I packed on about 25 pounds, my skin was a nightmare (breakouts, dehydration, reddish tone, rosacea), and my hair was thinning and falling out. My students and coworkers routinely told me how fat I had gotten (cultural differences). Sobriety changed me into someone who can handle it. I went to pick her up thinking the spill just scared her a bit, and then I saw that she managed to scrape her face from the top of her brow bone down to the base of her eye socket.

You’ll Have Better Memory

Being comfortable with who you are in your own skin is a key to happiness and contentment. Drinking alcohol can repress and cloud personality traits that help make you who you are. Individuals who enter long-term sobriety after living with a substance use disorder often discover, or rediscover, who they are and their own personality traits. Having the ability to reset, to re-calibrate, and discover who you truly are is a great gift.

how being sober changed my life

Though sobriety usually feels impossible for people before they try, seeking treatment and ending substance use is life-changing for those who set themselves up to succeed. The first step is to commit to a reputable addiction treatment program. Contact us today to learn about the admissions process and explore how The Recovery Village can help you or a loved one begin the path to recovery and lifelong sobriety. One of the biggest benefits of living in sobriety is that you’ll be able to improve relationships with friends and family members.

Sobriety changes how you react to the world.

It’s important to develop a structured daily and weekly schedule and stick to it. For example, you may have developed a co-dependent relationship, or a family member, friend, or employer may have been enabling you without even knowing it. Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) involves experiencing withdrawal symptoms that persist past the detox period.

But these benefits are available to you if you keep at it. The weekends always felt like they flew by, probably because at least one of those days would be spent in hangover agony. There are also the added costs of paying for takeout food because you’re too drunk or hungover to function properly. But I know for damn sure that I am not throwing away cash like I was when I spent the equivalent of $400 USD per week on alcohol and cigarettes (liquor is expensive in the country where I live).

You’ll Gain More Time

Kelly this week shared a statement online, outlining his reasons for a yes vote, including the “huge and stubborn gap” in health and life outcomes for Indigenous Australians. Whether you’re freshly sober or a seasoned soda water sipper, temptation lurks behind every barstool, natural wine list, and artisanal breadbasket. If anything, the experience of removing alcohol from your world is and will remain to be, sobering. ‘We share lots of recipes, how-to videos and advice from in-house doctors and PTs, and I bring in a different wellness expert each week to talk about anything from gut health to childhood trauma. Well done Hannah Rodger An inspirational read and a message that so many people need to hear, because sobriety is now cool.

Now, I don’t have an issue being around alcohol, but it was hard for a while. Acknowledging and celebrating the hard work of recovery is helpful for keeping you motivated and reminding you why you took this brave step toward sobriety in the first place. Just be sure that your rewards don’t involve drugs or alcohol.

I’m No Longer An Easy Target

I swapped my nightly knock-off Campari for a glass of Non. In the evening I sipped herbal tea instead of a glass of red. For social Zoom gatherings, I happily cheers-ed a can of Sobah towards the screen – my pixelated friends seemingly none the wiser. Getting sober significantly eased the presence of most sober life of these maladies, and the basic process of eliminating alcohol from my at-home (and Covid-induced lockdown) routine was bizarrely easy. The alcohol free (AF) drinks market is booming and not drinking can actually be more exciting than drinking. Sober drinks have never looked (and tasted) so good.

People in recovery from a substance use disorder frequently have problems meeting work-related responsibilities, maintaining employment, and managing money. If you were active in your addiction for a period of time, you may have developed financial problems. You may also need to change your route to work or home in order to avoid any triggers, or people, places, or things that make you want to use drugs or drink again. It is estimated that up to 80% of those who find long-term sobriety had at least one relapse along the way. Some people experience many setbacks before they find lasting recovery. Your intentions may be good, but it takes more than willpower to avoid having a relapse.

Titled If Not Now, the lyrics speak of “a feeling something’s missing”, “business that’s unfinished”, “a simple proposition” and “a chance to make our country larger in its soul”. I can only hope that now it might help, in some small way, to change the lives of our First Nations peoples for the better,” Farnham said. Upon re-entering society as a sober person, I was abruptly made aware that my relationship with alcohol had been even more sinister than I had realised. For me, the hardest chapter of sobriety was returning to the world of face-to-face socialising and reconnecting with my loved ones without the tantalising lubricant of alcohol. That was until March 12th of 2020, my first full day of my fourth rehab stay.

  • For many, it’s a lifelong process of unlearning coping mechanisms that revolve around substances like alcohol or cannabis, and it’s also a process of relearning how to live life sober and stay sober.
  • Rebuilding broken trust may take time, but now you’ll have the time to make it happen.
  • You may find life is more enjoyable and manageable without the substances you once depended on.
  • Your world is not going to transform completely in three months.

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